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Laguardia High School of Music & Art, where he majored in visual art, Rick met Dana Dane. In 1976, he and his family immigrated to the United States, settling in the Baychester area of the Bronx. He was blinded in the right eye by broken glass as an infant. Walters was born in the southwest London district of Mitcham to Jamaican parents on 1 Brad Gibson street. He makes an appearance as a playable character in the video games Def Jam: Fight for NY and Def Jam Fight for NY: The Takeover. He has acted and cameo-ed in 10 movies and videos. Slick Rick has been a VH-1 Hip Hop Honors honoree, and ranked him No. 12 on their list of the Top 50 MCs of Our Time, while The Source ranked him No. 15 on their list of the Top 50 Lyricists of All Time. At the time it was very uncommon for rappers to use complete song lyrics from another artist. He was one of the very first hip-hop artists to be covered, when Snoop Dogg (then Snoop Doggy Dogg) rapped Rick's lyrics from his record "La Di Da Di" almost in their entirety on the track 'Lodi Dodi' on his debut album Doggystyle in 1993. Many of these songs based on Slick Rick samples went on to become hit singles.

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In the process, Slick Rick has become one of the most-sampled hip-hop artists ever. His music has been sampled and interpolated over 1,000 times, in dozens of songs by artists, including Eminem, Beyoncé, Mariah Carey, Beastie Boys, TLC, Nas, Miley Cyrus, Kanye West, MF DOOM, CZARFACE, Black Star, The Notorious B.I.G., Snoop Dogg, MC Ren, Montell Jordan, Tech N9ne and Color Me Badd. He has released four albums: The Great Adventures of Slick Rick (1988), The Ruler's Back (1991), Behind Bars (1994) and The Art of Storytelling (1999).

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In 1986, Slick Rick became the third artist signed to Def Jam Records. "La Di Da Di" is one of the most sampled songs in history. Their songs " The Show" and " La Di Da Di" are considered early hip hop classics. Fresh & the Get Fresh Crew in the mid-1980s. Richard Martin Lloyd Walters (born January 14, 1965), better known as Slick Rick, is an English-American rapper and record producer.

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